Super Bowser World!
Version: 0.5 (Beta Release)
Please Note: This game is not finishied.
Your kingdom has been troubled by some rather pesky plumbers from another world.
You have to make your way back to your castle collecting your coins and getting rid of those pesky Mario and Luigi who keep trying to steal what is yours.
A/Left: Move Left.
D/Right: Move Right.
W/Up: Jump Up.
Spacebar/Shift: Breath Fire.
Mouse Click: Enter/Exit Full Screen.
Enter: Starts Game.
To Do List:
Bugs to Fix and Features to Add.
Players character does not face in the last direction moved.
Blocks are not breakable.
Add items to breakable blocks.
Moving Enemies.
Static enemy placement.
Move coins to the breakable blocks.
Story, gameplay, sounds, and sprites are all from Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System.
Copyright 1985: